
You can cancel, without stating reasons, your contractual statement in written form (letter, fax, email) within 2 weeks or – if the merchandise has been yielded to you before expiration of deadline - by returning the merchandise. The prescribed period begins on receipt of this explanatory statement in written form, but not before receipt of merchandise by customer (in case of repeated deliveries of similar merchandise not before receipt of first partial delivery) and not before fulfilment of our contractual obligation concerning customer information according to § 312c Abs. 2 BGB in regard to § 1 Abs. 1, 2 and 4 BGB-InfoV. The punctual dispatch of the cancellation statement or the merchandise suffices to comply with the deadline. The cancellation statement is to be sent to:

Marine Store 2000 GmbH
Fraunhoferstr. 6
82152 Martinsried
Tel. +49 89 899619500

Example of a return form

Revocation form

Consequences of revocation

In the case of an effective cancellation already rendered services and contingent profits (e.g. interest) are to be released. Should you not be able to release the rendered services or merchandise either completely or partially or only in impaired condition, you are to render value replacement in this respect if applicable. This does not apply in the case of surrendered merchandise if the impairment of the merchandise can be solely attributed to its examination - as it might have happened in a store. Furthermore you can avoid the risk of value replacement for impairment caused by intended regular use by not employing the merchandise as an owner would and by refraining from actions causing impairment.

Goods transportable by parcel post are to be sent to us with us bearing the risk of shipment. You are to bear the costs for the return shipment if the delivered merchandise complies with the merchandise ordered and if the price of the merchandise which is to be returned does not exceed the amount of 40.00 EUR or if you, in the case of a higher price of the merchandise, have not yet rendered the return service or a contractually stipulated partial payment at the time of cancellation. In any other instances the return shipment is free of charge for you.
You are obliged to meet the requirements for reimbursements within 30 days after sending your cancellation statement. This prescribed period concerning you shall commence on the date you send us the cancellation statement or the merchandise; the prescribed period concerning us shall commence on the date of receipt thereof.

These terms are issued in two languages: German and English; if there are any inconsistencies between the German and Englisch version of these terms then the German version linked here ( shall prevail.